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I was going through some really rough times with my ex-husband because we shared children and had to keep in contact so I went to have a reading with Dena and she gave me some advice from my guides that showed me such clarity on what I had to change and I took the advice and now the dynamic of the relationship has shifted and we all get along. Her advice was worth more than a million dollars worth of therapy (which I had been going to for several years). I will never forget all that she did for our family. Susan 07'

I was driving around one day and drove by Dena's place and decided to go in and she just happened to be there (she is usually busy in a reading) and had some free time. I asked her if she could read me and she said yes, she took me right in. The reading was amazingly beautiful! What she did not know was that I was going to take my life that day and her beautiful love and guidance gave me the hope to go on. Margarie 09'

I had lost my dad that I was extremely close to and we did not get a chance to talk our peace before he passed. We had a disagreement before he passed and he went quick (unexpected). I called Dena for a reading and she channeled him through and we were able to talk and clear the air, I feel so much better and no longer hold that guilt. She was able to bring through messages from my dad that only I knew. I will be forever grateful for that reading and having Dena enter my life. Joy 11'

Hi Dena, I don't know if you remember me (I am sure you meet so many people!) but you read for me this past weekend at the New Life Expo in NYC. (I had a very weird spread when I queried about future employment opportunity.) When I first arrived at the expo, I was kind of put off by the mass commercialism of what to me, is a very sacred and spiritual community (hence my initial reticence to give you my e-mail when signing up for my reading). I feel strongly though that you were by far the strong light in that place. I would even say that spirit put you right there for people who were drawn to the Expo for its ideals, with you being the only clear, honest and pure heart there. In the several years since my Grandmother (who I was very close to) passed, she has not come to me in dreams (that I remember--and I am very clear remembering my dreams). In the past three nights though, every night prior to your reading with me, my Grandmother has been prominent in my dreams (although I did not understand her messge). When I sat down with you, you brought her through immediatley. What you said also greatly clarified for me what her intent has been in coming to me through my dreams. I knew as soon as you brought her through that you'd made the connection by what you were saying, and for that, I cannot express enough my immense gratitude. And the hug you gave me when we finished was so true and loving, it greatly lifted me. Thank you again so much for everything, I am certain that I was directed by spirit to the expo purely to connect with you. All very best, Stacey 12'

I had lost my best friend at sea and I was with him and had to watch him die as the waves were pulling him under after our boat capsized. I tried to save him and could not. This happened 9 years ago and I have never been able to come to grips with it and I blamed myself and miss him. I came to Dena for a reading and he came through right away and with all that he had to say to me, I was able to finally face it and know that it was not my fault and now I can begin my healing process thanks to Dena. She is truly a gift from the heavens. Jim 13'

I have had the honor and privilege of working with Dena for two years now. She is an amazingly clear and gifted being who has helped me tremendously to navigate through the many ups and downs of my journey. The guidance that I have been given has brought many gifts and much inner personal growth. I have been given enormous insight into myself, while also being given the incredible opportunity to release that which no longer serves me in my own timing and readiness. I trust her wholeheartedly and highly recommend her expertise as a psychic/medium and healer to all. Elizabeth 13'

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